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We are an international corporate finance firm helping ambitious companies realise their true potential

Our Core Purpose

At Aalto Capital we have a proven track record of helping ambitious companies realise their true potential, particularly during stages of transition. We help them identify the optimal outcome of every transaction and then use our wealth of experience as investors, advisors and entrepreneurs to best achieve it. By helping ambitious companies grow we contribute to economic progress, job creation and a better world.

Our beliefs

The right advice is invaluable

We deliver the highest value through long-term corporate finance experience, a deep under-standing of capital markets and an ability to grasp each client's requirements whilst earning their trust.

Flexibility and innovation

Our entrepreneurial approach means continually finding innovative ways of achieving success. We always try to find and follow the most direct path between problem and solution as possible.

Fortune favours the brave

We are committed to finding the optimal outcome to every transaction, no matter how tough the journey. We are bold in driving positive outcomes to every challenge.

We are solution-oriented

We make transactions and deals happen efficiently and effectively through our drive and focus, always keeping the end goal in sight.

Our DNA is entrepreneurial

We think like corporate financiers but act like entrepreneurs. We are nimble, innovative and flexible. This attracts entrepreneurial clients and employees alike.

The extra mile is the most rewarding

We continually go above and beyond the call of duty to achieve the best possible outcomes. We are resilient, with sufficient stamina and courage to take on the most complex transactions and win.

Ambition charts the high road

Our clients are ambitious and so are we. We fully understand that the best out-come for our business depends on us realising the best outcome for every client and every transaction.

Trust is earned

As your corporate finance advisors we are put in a position of trust. This is the platform on which all else is built, and it is the very foundation of our business.

Our culture

Aalto Capital has an organisational culture based on two complementary themes - the pursuit of corporate finance excellence and the application of entrepreneurial endeavour. We encourage professionalism, emphasise the importance of knowledge and skill, value the trust placed in us, and encourage a solution-oriented approach. We insist on meticulous attention to detail and on always doing what we say we will do. We also welcome boldness in thinking and in action, encourage innovation and flexibility and are approachable and helpful. We match our clients’ ambitions on every project and transaction.

We have a flat structure, make decisions quickly and keep our doors open. Our people are our most valuable asset, and we treat them accordingly. Our culture encourages them to fulfil their potential and we do all we can to drive both enablement and engagement. This is how we go about creating a company we can all be proud to call our own.

Our ambition

Our 2025 ambition is to become a leading corporate finance business internationally recognised for its entrepreneurial focus.

Our long-term strategy

To deliver on this ambition, our long-term strategy is to improve the quality, volume and scale of our transactions, to boost not only our own capital position but also our presence and reputation in the market. Because success breeds success.

Our business model

"Aalto Capital’s business model focuses on attracting and advising high quality entrepreneurial companies through ongoing periods of transition. Our ‘secret sauce’ is our ability to give clients highly valuable advice gained through our experience as entrepreneurs and as investors and advisors, to deliver successful outcomes to any fund-raising or M&A transaction. In all cases we strive to create enduring relationships with these clients and help them through the entire life-cycle of their business growth.


We are purpose-driven, deliver results for our clients, create value for all stakeholders, have a deep-rooted and meaningful set of core values, and talk the same language as our clients. Our revenue streams come from capital raisings, M&A transactions and investor relations.


Our key resources are our people and our experience, knowledge and expertise. Our key partners are first our clients and then the investors we attract through our relationships and reputation."

Iiro Aalto-Setälä
